With Riverboats 2025 done and dusted, we’re inviting people interested in volunteering for Riverboats 2026 to pre-register!

The arrangement is simple - in exchange for a shift over the Riverboats weekend (Feb 13-15, 2026) we'll sling you a weekend pass and a crew t-shirt to impress your friends with.

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill the following roles:

*Bar staff (must have a valid Victorian RSA)

*Merchandise sales

*Box Office crew

*Green Team

*Setup crew

*Pack-down crew

To register you need to be over 18 - click on the link below to apply!

Please note the festival office will be closed to a few months now, however we really appreciate you pre-registering your interest and will be in touch later in the year!

Volunteer at Riverboats 2026